Friday, December 28, 2012

Lazy lazy last day of work for the year.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

2 more sleeps to seeing the husband!

3 more to seeing KL!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas isn't merry without the husband :(((((((((((((((

Monday, December 24, 2012

Can drop us another house in the next few weeks god?
Dear god, thanks for the house. Sorry I didn't specify much and assumed you would know what we are looking for. 75k cov is too much for a couple who just started out to bear. On top of 50k renovation and the 5%, that would amount to 130k cash.

Can you drop us a house that doesn't require so much cov and drop the entire Singapore a better gov who doesn't treat their citizens as money making tools? Where got house valuation based on last transacted price and increases a 5k on top of the last transacted price one?! (and where got a country sell a paper to buy car that is more than what the car cost one?!)




Friday, December 21, 2012


Xmas in shanghai?

God - yes or no?
God, are you there? You heard me?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

God must have added me to his list of 'long distance relationship females' how is it that all my past bfs were all on long distance and even my husband is ALSO having a LDR with me?!

Where got husband come back on a wed 10pm and then goes off on a sat 830am one?! And goes off for 8 days somemore.

Dear godddddddddddddd I see the husband less than 10 days this month leh! It's only 1/3 the month, not even the supposed 1/2 month leh! Don't liddat leh.
I'd exchange a bowl of my favorite fries from Sydney to see the boy get his luggage and walk out of the arrivals and come to me. Sumpa. But I can always take the boy's bowl of fries hor?

Heh. Feel like super glue-ing the bf to me

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Yay bf is backkkkkkkkkk :DDDDDDDDD
I get to see my husband tonight (for a min or two at most), tmr and fri night. He goes off with a rendezvous with his darling on sat for 8 days!

Why so unfair one!
Dear god, I don't need to spend the Christmas with the boy but can I please have the new year weekend with him?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I miss my husbanddddddd.

He's spending so much more time with his darling this month than his legal wife!

Unfortunately his darling is so much bigger size then me I can't kick nor slap nor punch her.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hotel translyvania and KFC with the ex bf tonight!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Malacca was good but the way back wasn't. I haven't been stuck at the causeway for 3 full hours before.

Lesson learnt - never ever go over during the sch holidays!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

And I finally get to sleep in his arms tonight.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

2 more sleeps to malacca!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

No idea what to do about the house.

God can u drop a house down to me within this year?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Funny how it looks like 7pm here in raffles but still so bright over at suntec