Saturday, June 30, 2012

My happy day tmr starts off with a maccas's big breakfast, avocado shake while the bf gets his claypot laksa fix, part 2 of marriage course, dinner at nahkon's and drop by parkway to get durians for mum!

And then I get a 2 weeks break off the bf! Thank god for the me-time! Amen. Heh
Busy busy last week of the fiscal year where I clocked my latest at work so far in ms. I don't mind busy but I just wish we didn't have that many meetings even though it's virtual, it eats up into my working time I barely have time to do proper work.

June passed by without me knowing and it's July alrdy!

1.5 months to Bali! Horse riding on my bday n seaports! Weeeeeeee~~~

Sunday, June 24, 2012

In the marriage course yday we had to write down stuffs we respect our partner for. The bf wrote 'know where to find cheap stuffs' and 'never tired of taking photos'

Wow. So u respect me for these huh.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Knocked off from work at 930pm and no bf to fetch even though he is in town and has a car :(((((((((((((((( people say they marry their wives to dote on but mine is the opposite. He says I shouldn't be spoilt -_- I should have found a bf who doesn't treat me exceptionally nice only during courtship. My ex would always fetch me after a shift at Macdonalds whether it's 12am or 630am during winter loh! Damn the bf.

Before leaving the office i was talking to this other girl who was still around doing asset tagging. The entire office is being tagged with serial numbers but wait, guess what. Even the LIGHTS mounted on the ceiling is being tagged!!!!! Who on earth is gonna bring a ladder and dismantle the lights?!?!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Another hectic day again with the boss coming in earlier this time, setting off another reformat at 2pm.

I finally feel why others say June is always a crazy month. Doesn't help that I have extra classes on Wednesdays now :((((((

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Had a busy afternoon with my boss coming in at 2, installing the app on the tv with the need to climb up the chair n table, meeting at 245-345, testing with 3 laptops until 5, concluded something was wrong with boss's 32-bit laptop, started a reformat only at 520 with boss leaving at 530 and the freaking installation wasn't even halfway at 640.

And I shut it down n left -_-"

Monday, June 18, 2012

Went for Ipl and ended up chatting with the consultant for a good 15-20 mins on how I lost 7kg in a short few months. Turns out she's singaporean and we're the same age and she's only 40kg!! (these days, whether u are a Singaporean or not seems to matter to Singaporeans)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Thursday, June 14, 2012

While the bf is happily roaming the streets of shanghai, I am terribly sleepy and lethargic at work.

3.5 hours to 6pm and TGIF tmr!
Last night's class's hot plate bean curd!

Boy! Where's my kitchen????

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It's Wednesday! One more day closer to Saturday!

2 weeks to end of June,
1 month to gown choosing,
2 months to Bali,
3 months to Sydney,
5 months to 101112,
5 months to Bali and Lombok!
X months to new house!

Hurryyyyyyyyyy let time pass faster pls!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Had a nice albeit pricey brunch in a remote area of bukit Timah where the horses live. I proudly offered to treat without realizing the price tag that came along only to regret the rah rah about me occasionally treating the bf.

Damn. $60 on a brunch that was just bread, eggs, some mushrooms, tomatoes and sausage?! Argh.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Had a very nice day with the bf! :))))))))

It's been a longgggggggggg time since he brought me out like this where the last was probably the initial first few dates. Except we didn't have the circling rounds of the area we were lost in today!

Was a nice day to be paktor-ing around the 3 parks :DDDD

So thanks for the nice day hah. *shudders*

Monday, June 4, 2012

Comments from family is that my face was rounder and I looked much more matured cos of the makeup.

But..........I can't be taking wedding photos without makeup right? Plus it was just the minimal makeup where the eyeshadow wasn't even visible in photos!

Nevertheless. I will still take one more time before I have kids!