Monday, June 28, 2010

i almosttttttttt got to dye my hair yday. on hindsight, i really should have. dammit. argh. it isnt easy to catch my mum in that perfect mood where she even wanted to dye her hair. my family is a big no no to dying hair because of all the chemicals that goes through ur head. yup. i do agree about the chemicals part, but being young, who ever cares about wad cancer that comes on later! and i haven dyed my hair since uni years!

shucks. cannot decide whether to get one for myself when i cant finish the bottle for my short hair.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

bf is in south africa without internet access. that also means no msn with me.


fasterrrrrr come back n pei me.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

im happy! soooooooooooooooo happy. happy cos knocking off at 6+ is a luxury these days (pre-uat and uat's nonsense) and cos i bought another facial package!!! ha. as well as a set of ampule for 300 bucks....wooooooooohooooooooo.

i dont understandddd why bf doesnt appreciates facials!? my previous 2 automatic goes for facials, mr nguyen even buys packages for me, but this one??

i will pull your ear and drag you for a facial, whether u like it anot. wahahahhahahahaha. *evil grins*
on my way to work, i randomly missed this weird shaped ingredient that's used in steamboat. its shaped like a mini bun except it has a small cute tip pointing up. the outside is made of fish tofu and the inside has tiny bits of mushroom n minced pork. i haven seen in anywhere besides perth's oriental shop at northbridge - the one that has a hugeeee selection of steamboat ingredients.

it linked to me missing mr nguyen's fried noodles cos he would sometimes add this funny shaped fish tofu with fillings in. i missssssss that fried noodles.

Monday, June 21, 2010

wahahhahaha. my bf is sooooooo nice enough to gimme an iphone 4 each time i jog. yay!
the bf came back. and left.

i barely saw him for like 2 days?

alvin says bf "fly aeroplane on me" when i said im free for forest adventure.

me says. he ALWAYS flies 747 on me.

*rolls eyes*

Thursday, June 17, 2010

if i tweet, my tweet would be.....

joanne has nearly forgot how her bf looks and sounds like.

2 weeks's tweet from now would be.....

joanne has really forgot how her bf looks like. do i have one?

Monday, June 14, 2010

it falls upon me that i now have to take leave in order to spend time with bf?

can i exchange this laptop back for my bf? i dont wan this laptop already.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

boyfriend...... im bored.

my sim got attacked by a mummy in egypt, i need to send him back there to get a snake in the basket cos googling said a few bites from the snake would get rid of the mummy's curse.

while i was 'travelling' in egypt, i was abit scared. ha. like really scared cos the tombs were scary. the background music makes it even worse. playing on a super clear version of sims now makes it even more scary! i feel like machiam im really there?!

yawns. i oso wan to go melbourne leh. i wan to go crown casino to win $$$ can?
playing sims on this new laptop is so cool. bf is soooooo smart to get this to shut me up from my whinings while he enjoys himself at melbourne.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

its the tenth!

had our monthsary dinner at cafebiz in traders hotel. buffet was so so, nothing that fantastic. and i now have a new toy to play my sims!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

i knowwwww i just came back from phuket 2 weeks ago. but i wan to go away again...jetstar faster gimme a promo to bali please?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

june the [eight]th.

today perhaps just isnt my day. so many issues today as if someone sprayed insecticide and the bugs seemed to have surfaced all at once. the abn pm isnt happy about the previous data patch that affected 673 records. now another team is unhappy cos of the reported numbers that doesnt tally. on top of guiding the developers in the troubleshooting, on top of answering sharon's questions, on top of having to do testings, on top of having to check 101 things for the abn pm, i now get the blame for the 673 records. wow. do i get extra pay for this shit? or do i even get a "great job"?

in the first place, where do i get the guts to play with production data?? second, the script was done by the best pm in the world. third, i have only placed all deployment stuffs in one folder per deployment number. so now the blame automatically goes to me?

hello? to the 2 pms, im not an expert in sql scripts. and i certainly will not take this blame for someone not worth taking the blame for. anyway, good job pm.
im still abit stoned. im not angry. i just feel very helpless. how many weekends must SIA take away from me???

every now and then, i get such surprises. how many weeks have i been waiting for this very weekend?? how many weeks must i wait just to be a 辛福的小女人 for 2 days?

i just wan to happily go paktor on weekends oso so difficult?? how many weekends have i been doing nothing but play sims? why must i always be the one who accomodates your schedule? why must i always be the one who cancels my other appt just to spend some time with u?

i've already cancelled my forest adventure. im not going to cancel my kayaking just because u are suddenly free. and im sick of this.

my initial plans of resigning, having my holidays in sept, starting my new job probably wont fall in place so nicely :(

how to tell my new company i plan to go on 2 weeks leave when i havent started the job yet?!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

after monthssss of phone-window-shopping, i finally decided on samsung's spica. i already intended to get it on sat. WHYYYYYYY must my movie be at vivo, and whyyyyy must there be a samsung roadshow there and whyyyyy my itchy hand go and play with galaxy?!

why why why.

now i want galaxy. but why must galaxy be soooooo ex. damm it. still another 3 months to my bday :(

Saturday, June 5, 2010

my past bfs, especially mr nguyen spoilt me too much =(

i wan a samsung galaxyyyyyy. whhhhy so expensive one!!

phuket day 1 - hotel/jungceylon

my right hand nearly died from uploading 3 days worth of pictures!

phuket day 2 - phi phi island

our initial seats
and den we moved to the vip cabin cos some indian family didnt like this cabin
back from snorkelling
the "big boat" at the pier
haha the start of our cam whoring.

one of the guides who actually owns a tourist booth near our resort!

maya bay!

i was alittle hyper n made them jump with me :D

we went for a dip in the freaking saltish sea

phi phi island beach bars

streets of phi phi
our "big boat"

the wind was extremely strong

sl's duck with red curry and a cube of rice
lok's salmon in pastry
my seabass fillet
complimentary potatos

freakingly nice mango sticky rice at a thai place

the main highlight of phuket would be phi phi island. although i didnt noe wad made this island so popular, the island itself was pretty much a self-contained one, and it was a rather boring one. because it was an island, all the prices are doubled. we had 1.5 hours to kill on this island and so we walkeddddd far out into the shallow waters. our 2nd fine dining dinner at floyd's at our resort which was highly recommended on the net. a pity there wasn't enough humans to make me feel the food was really thatt fantastic.

one big regret was i didnt take the waterproof camera. didnt get any pictures of us snorkelling nor the fishies we saw =(