Sunday, May 30, 2010

i was a little sad when mabel said she broke up with ttp. and i admire that bit of courage she had for facing up to reality. cos i would never have had any.

from day one, she knew they would never end up together..but yet she chose to leave when she still loved him. in a way, their love was still beautiful in its own ways.

i know im in the stage of denial. i know im just lying to myself. and i know it wont be long...
i just bought another IPL + facial package!

im a happy girl!

minus a little unhappiness that my bf doesnt want to do facials.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


last nite's episode by the fountain left my tear duct short by at least 100ml.

please dont ever mention it again....... unless really required.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

am back and freaking drowsy. had allergy rash probably cos of the sea water.

all 3 of us got sunburnt where lok's is the worst. her entire arms turned red. so much for the sunblock..

gg back to have a goooood long sleep.

Friday, May 21, 2010

previous post was set back to draft, so...the bitch wouldnt get to read it.

and im goinggggggggg to phuuuuketttttttttt!!! woooohooooooooooo.

the beach. the sea. the sun. the food. the alcohol. the company. the resort!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i am STILL feeling hyper from sunday's forest adventure. we didnt managed to finish all 4 sites due to the rain, and we got vouchers to go back again! yay. i didnt scream one single bit in the longest 200m flying fox from one tree down across the reservoir. ha.

i want to do so many things!

kayaking, blading, cycling, jogging, forest adventuring, rock climbing, squashing! thank god i will be in june!! all my weekends in june is full! yipppeeee!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

ah miu became like this.
ah mei gets a pure silk 'scarf' from suzhou
the allergy that freaked me out
even comes with 3d effects.

sent mabel off at the airport with a mini hoo-haa over her one way ticket to ho chi minh city who finally cries and goes off on a supposingly 2 months stint in the land of pho and nguyens. few days later, her mum tells me she's coming back on the 22nd. ha. but at least she'll be going to the hk branch to continue her internship. over at paris, her dear brother seems to be having a ball of a time travelling around, looking for internships in london. how nice to be a rich man's son.

yesterday i had too much sleep.

today i woke up with only 5 hours of sleep and an angry me.

i had that urge to paste a "no running around and making noise within 100 metres of my room before 8.30" all over my room door.

why does my mum have so much energy to run around the house making a hell lot of noise with mei at 7am in the morning ?!?!?! WHY.

i refuse to accept any explanations.

yes yes, im spoilt.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

why do i still feel sleepy even though i had like 9.5 hours of sleep??

Sunday, May 9, 2010

bf came back early this morning, slept till 3, went out for dinner at 5. and he's going away next sat. again.

den me leh???

im awfully bored to tears. the allergic rash that freaked me out yesterday is gone, and the sims 3 that i've been wanting to play doesnt work cos of my lousy inbuilt graphics card. just when i barely stepped into the world of sims 3. dammit. and my bf isnt free to be with me.

im really really really really bored. maybe i should eat a sleeping pill so i can sleep at 9pm den i wont be complaining.

argh. can i have a new boyfren, boyfren?

Friday, May 7, 2010

i didnt managed to sleep till 5+ !! i started feeling itchy at nite which i tried to sleep it off, but i was still freaking scratching at 3.30am!? woke up to look for medicine, found one that says "for itchy skin" and immediately popped one. this morning, i realised that might have been meimei's medicine i took! it didnt work anyway, and i could finally fall asleep at 5 only after applying calamine lotion on my back, stomach, arms and neck. goodness.

now im wondering if it was the avocado shake or the overdosage of peanuts that caused this allergy rash. i almost wanted to cry at 4+ cos it was already so late, my mum was sleepin in the other room, bf dunoe in the skies or in hotel and i didnt know wad to do. ha. typical me.

whyyyy do i have so many problems when bf is not around!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

its only thursday! the past 2 weeks seems to have passed reallllly slow

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

i recently go to work with a cannot be bothered attitude.

1. i wouldnt stay any later den 6.45pm if there's nothing urgent.
2. i saw the emails that weren't sent out, but i didnt tell anyone. (for the 983482734th time, the freaking emails is NOT MY PROBLEM.)
3. i see a un-necessary full stop in the email subject header of some triggered emails, but i didnt ask my developer to remove that dot.
4. 2 sections of info are not displaying in one of the pages, but i just said ok when my developer said he was busy with phase 2.
5. i'm going for my facial instead of staying for the deployment later.
6. i take longer lunches these days.
7. the alarm at 8.15am continues snoozing till 8.45am.
8. i dont bother switching screens whenever someone walks past me while im msning or surfing the net.
9. i openly surf jobsdb at work.
10. i told my pm "dont need to retrench, i quit myself"

i love number 10 the most. if i have the guts (maybe after 3 tequila shots?), i'd tell my boss off. you dont just happily change the date of our payday. we all have our commitments. i have relatively big amounts of money to be giro-ed out every 5th, that explains why im so anal over the payday mr boss. as a boss, you jolly well email ur staff of the change. we are not worms in your stomach, we dont noe wtf u are thinking. and for goodness sake. please pay our claims. im quite tempted to contact MOM if sitting on our claims this long is even legal?

seriously, what's wrong with this company???

Monday, May 3, 2010

its only a short few months we've been together, but im not so sure i'll be able to let go. it seems like only last week i was crying over him. i dont think i'll be able to take another break up so soon.

please. please dont let go now.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

im not sure where and whom i caught my fever from. but i started feeling sleepy after lunch and hot during dinner. came back only to find myself feeling cold. by cold, i meant wearing a jacket and covering myself with 2 blankets and is still near to shivering. i dunoe why im suddenly feverish when i didnt feel sick prior to lunch.


whereeeeeeeeeeeee in the world is my bf when i need him.

answer: he's in los angeles.