Friday, February 27, 2009


reflecting back, it may have been wrong of me to leave the office after yesterday's incident.. but at that point of time, i'm sure one wouldnt be able to work as per the norms. one may term me as childish and immature by leaving in such situations, but to me, i would be wasting my time by surfing the net just so as to let others know of my presence in the office. i think i would be banging the laptop/door/phone/table to vent my frustrations, resulting in a very disturbing environment for others.

choco muffin did apologize through sms, but i felt if you arent sincere in apologizing, don't. they didn't update me on their status at mda, whether it was successful in the cut over. since they don't have the initiative to keep me informed, i won't either. what am i to them and to this company in any case?


Thursday, February 26, 2009

darn sick of the muffins

can someone PLEASE, for god's sake, EAT UP THE FREAKING MUFFINS? i would gladly pay for your hospitalisation fee for getting diarrhea, food poisoning and whatnots.

i am really really sick and tired of this 2 un-professional b******s. they are forever late, forever giving work to others, forever slow, forever working "tonight". my god.

why on earth are they here, wasting earth's precious resources?

we agreed to meet 10.30am in the office to go to mda together, choco muffin could even suggest meeting at 10. its freaking 10.55am but still none is here. to think i could even purposely came in earlier at 10.15am.

how wonderful. how professional. so is this how things work in microsoft dude? u come in late, u push everything to a "tonight" that never happens, and you fumble in front of clients.

i am seriously about to flip a table.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

introducing the new muffin on the table

as if a chocolate muffin wasn't enough, here comes along another on the table. i have not thought about any particular flavours for this muffin, so i shall name this the laughing muffin, L muffin for short. i shall not use coffee muffin as another colleague has termed, because we both have the same (muffin) colour so by calling him coffee flavoured, i am, indirectly naming myself one.

it is hard to compare the mouthwatering and delectable levels of the 2 muffins as they both have their distinct taste. for once, i shall not be cursing and swearing about L muffin because it would only leave me with a higher blood pressure. and so, here are some of the ridiculously ridiculous but ridiculously real scenarios that i have encountered with L muffin.

scenario 1: the problematic 3 attributes
on a friday, i realised that 3 attributes were missing from a form. i asked L muffin about it and he said he'll create them. (it has to be him, because this entity belonged to him) at the end of the day, the 3 attributes were still not in. Reminded L muffin to create them before i left. came the next monday, the 3 attributes were not in yet. questioned L muffin during lunch and claimed it was in. i checked immediately after lunch and confirmed it wasnt, only then he finally created them after i shouted across that the attributes are not in.

scenario 2: the unfinished business
on the same friday as in scenario 1, choco muffin sent an email expecting us to finish the audit trail by 6pm. FYI, the audit trail is for all the attributes found in the forms across 5 entities and an additional 2 attributes have to be added per attribute, not yet including the workflows and javscripts.. 1 day is only enough to complete the trail for the smallest entity. the 2 biggest entities have close to a hundred attributes each. i managed to get part of it up by 6pm where L muffin said he'll finish up "tonight" and send the screenshots to choco muffin "tonight". i trusted him, but only to realise nothing was sent when i checked my emails on sat evening. i sms-ed L muffin immediately and he replied and emailed the screenshots only on sunday morning. so much for "tonight".

scenario 3: the never-ending complaints
there has never been a day of peace to my ears ever since the start of this project. from the amount of workload L muffin has to the amount of 'working' hours he put in. instead of making the effort to complain, say, how about spending that time and effort into your never-ending work? why is ur work always never-ending? so what if you work late or work through weekends? do u have anything to deliver after your working late? if no, please shuddup and get back to work because i have finished mine and is currently clearing up your shit.

scenario 4: "i must be one of the busiest around"
L muffin currently has 3 projects, 2 of which should have been completed last year. and if it did happen, he would only have this current project on hand to busy with. but no, he enjoys dilly dally-ing with the other 2, so much so that he brought them forward to 2009 to add on to his pleasure. well, as if 3 projects on hand isn't enough for him to play juggling with, he hopes to complete the current project so that he can help out with the other team. i must say, L muffin certainly has a big appetite and of course, a big appetite like his probably results in a big pile of shit for the rest to clean up.

there are many many more scenarios that can be added like,

1. the one who shits, wtf and f**ks man
2. i slept only 2 hours last night!
3. everything will be done "tonight", honey
4. who wants to be 2 million richer?
and the list goes on.

if anyone should not be happy with what you have just read, or happen to be a muffin mentioned, maybe you can shout and scream at me, but before you do that, make sure you finish up your work. please dont waste anymore time or effort doing unnecessary things, because dont forgot you have never-ending tasks to complete and only had 2 hours of sleep last night.

on an altogether different note, if i do get sacked/retrenched or quit, i shall remind myself to start my aussie PR application so that i can go be a foreign talent myself.

Friday, February 6, 2009

why some choco muffin sucks

i've lost the energy and drive to do my best, workwise. i may regret down the road not making the effort to participate more in my current project, but at least for now, i'm not. i refuse to do any form of overtime for this project as i feel my efforts is not at all appreciated.

maybe i'm still not mature enough to accept working life, but if this is how it means, i think i'd rather take care of kids and do housework. at least i dont have a fucked up asshole as my manager whose spelling/grammer is almost equivalent to a lower pri school kid. i look down on such managers whom i wonder what kind of experience and qualifications he has to qualify as one when he is not even clear about ms crm. oh, maybe he has a share in the company so he comes in after lunch and leaves before 6. i see you are a pretty hardworking piece of shit eh?

go back to your country damm you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

