Saturday, November 22, 2008

cheers to a happy next week!

a happy picture kick starts a happy next week ;)

end of the week, finally.

it has been a rather bad week, although i had a day's mc on thursday. the week started bad, with the ridiculously long wait for mr manager on monday, and then a tuesday rushing for some mda documents (some email/sms templates that has ALREADY BEEN DONE, updating the func specs and some bloody impact analysis shit), a wednesday with the last minute call for miss mda-official-minuter to attend some rubbishy meeting, and a busy half-day friday rushing some bloody test cases where i almost wanted to slam my laptop on when to-be-mrs-ugly said this was not what she wanted.

despite all the rubbish and shit i had this week, there was someone who made my day. mr you-know-ah from NCS ! at first i thought he was joking since he's capable of pulling such jokes. i sms-ed him, and he said he's serious! his boss really did ask him, and recently asked him again! no idea what the position is and what the job scope is, but i suppose probably what raymond is currently doing.. BUT ncs's working hours starts at 830 AM!!! how on earth can i wake up at 630AM for 5 DAYS A WEEK!?!? the thought of slapping 黑的, ms pretty and mr teletubby is super shuang loh! even if its for that few made me chuckle. MDA project is already capable of making me consider waking up early, wearing formal on mon-thurs and no more working from home.. but ms shy is a responsible person who will finish up her projects before thinking of leaving this bonus/reward-less company. my dear raymond's email is pasted below, of which i may receive some comments about the unnecessary publicity from mr manager.

Subject: look at the content‏
From: Raymond Gwee
Sent: 20 November 2008 02: 33AM

Hi Joanne,

My boss mentioned to me again whether you are interested to join us leh.How is it? hehe....


***i think raymond's email has the most humanly words that i have heard this week...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


here i am, feeling frustrated enough to want to push someone down a mrt track. who? some 黑的啦. im sorry if it offends anyone, but who ever thinks whether im offended anot?

to 黑的, im not some full time minute writer who is just here solely for you just becoz ur bloody 黑的 fingers are lazy to type a minutes. and stop f**king email me documents that i have not seen before and expect me to know what to do. one day wad traceability matrix, another day wad impact analysis?! 我还想踢你看impact是怎样咧!the meeting invite was sent yesterday at 11.56AM but i was informed of the meeting only at 12.35PM TODAY loh. i didnt know u take 1 FULL DAY to pick up the phone to call me leh. what the f**k loh. bloody bastards.


im sorry to have cursed n swear at you, but im seriously very very fed up with you and your boss.

and then on monday, i had to wait 1 HOUR and 10 MINS half under the rain for someone. by half, i meant getting half drenched as the taxi stand wasn't 100% sheltered. my jeans was half wet, my bag was half wet, i got wet while running over to maccas in that short 5 seconds that was pouring like nobody's business, what else could be worse than a wet monday morning? i cant curse n swear here becos he reads this, but seriously, i was this close to throwing you to the lions and walking off. i dun mind waiting if i was in some shopping mall, but even so, not an insane 1 HOUR! i'm still angry but the anger from 黑的 somehow replaced monday's anger.

when randy briefed loxy over nyp, i secretly wished it was me he was talking to instead. MDA may sound nice in resumes, but i think the people in this team (no im not part of mda team) have alot of reflections to do. not that i am the most perfect person on earth, but i think im much better than someone who calls people for meeting last minute, or someone who emphasizes alot on team but yet do another, or someone who's life is messed up with gf and delayed projects, or someone who leaves an excellent impression to clients by attending only the first few meetings and busy(s) himself with his phone during meetings.

how to work hard for such a company with people of such calibre, you tell me?

i should have just married after graduation and be the youngest tai tai.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


i asked mum a very stupid question few days ago while watchin the 9pm drama.. i asked her IF i had a sister, where will she sleep? kinda lame, but i pictured an imaginary sister next to me at that split second. mum rolled her eyes and gave me that are-you-okay look, and then i continued to ask her if she would prefer having 2 daughters instead of 1. she didn't answer my question and shut me off! *pouts and blinks*

met up with my shorties for dinner today and somehow alicia's depressed mood affected me too. she wanted to go to city space and i was more than happy to accompany her, but one had driving lesson and the other gg to batam tmr. all 3 of them are gg for holidays in dec!! except me! this is probably the first time i'm not going anywhere in dec! tt's like sooo depressing ! the yearly dec holidays is not taking place this year! on a slightly happier note, i made some quick bucks from shares..

i feel like finishing 5 bars of frey's dark chocolates now.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

a silent protester

went to speaker's corner this evening to help contribute towards the crowd (even mei came along!), although all but 2 disappeared halfway the rally to han's cafe. we appeared back when the rally was ending, and saw the messages displayed by some. one was written all over a DBS umbrella - banKdits lie. and i saw the twins from my sec sch - shaun n leon! joy was like 'eh did i just see another same person?!'

dinner was at lao pa sat, cos me n joy was craving for satays! but what the hell.. the food totally sucks at lao pa sat! neverrrr will i go back there for dinner. whatever we ordered sucked! their chicken wings were RED, becos their stall name says honey chicken wings. which honey is red in the first place?! and we did not taste anything like honey loh.. satay was so-so. sambal stingray was like more of a stingray with bean paste instead of sambal..sotong you tiao was nothing but crispy oily you tiao can?! when we asked the lady where was the sotong, she said, oh there's no sotong, we put a layer of sotong on the you tiao. WTH?! liddat oso can?!

i dun understand why tourists flock to this badly run food court?! there is alot of touting, and we didnt even have to get up to order, becos the moment we sit down, menus were automatically shoved at our face. to think i thought it was a nice place, eating on the road with nice satays and nice food... to quote joy, it was just a waste of our stomach over bad fats.