Saturday, August 30, 2008

its finally confirmed!

after soooo many months of talking, bookings and whatnots, my holiday of the year is finally confirmed. 13th October - 24th October! that's 2 weeks off hell here! (i think work is somewhat near hell...ok i exaggerated abit) from my initial plan of melbourne to korea, and then postphoned korea till oct, and then mum decided on me joining their switzerland trip as my birthday present, den booked me in, then changed travel agencies, then changed dates again, and finally 13th oct. like it took that long a process to get a confirmed trip?

so yay, i'll be off the mda project 'team' for 2 weeks... but, hey, i wasnt even part of it in the first place. anyway for now, my priorities are just the minutes, and my other projects. i'm not intending to start on any sow nor whatever documents becos i'm just in mda solely to take notes and keep rubbish. on that same note, rubbish goes to the bin OK?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i am now a secretary!

yup, i didnt know that my role in bps was changed to a notes-taker, better termed as a secretary! so exciting hor! like, wow! everyone's involved in customizations, designing and whatnots, and then im just a nobody except to take down notes.

he has left zero respect to me, i do not look at him as a technical director anymore, but a mini giant with dark eye rings who enjoys laughing and cleaning his sweat with his uncle-ish hankie, and oh! he doesnt pay claims on time. i used to be afraid of him(yes i admit im timid), after all he's the boss and all, but now, go fuck off.

doesnt he realise that there's a big problem with the management style here in this fucked up company by the amount of pple who have left this pathetic place for green pastures? (This place is not considered as green in the first place)

i couldnt sleep last nite becos my mind was about my role in this 3rd baby of mine. given a choice, i would very much love to abort this now. i do not wish to be frustrated over work matters just becos some idiot is insensitive. okay, one might argue that females are more sensitive. den put it this way, how would he feel if he's informed that he's in a new project. BUT...wait, you're just taking notes okay. nothing more. just take notes. what kind of stupid role is this?!

i seriously dunnoe how im going to survive and tolerate the remaining 7 months before my 1st year is up in this fucked up company lead by monkeys with pig brains. hello? even my dog is smarter and sensitive than u can?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

of wires and wireless

went to get a wireless router becoz cheapskate me used a wireless adapter instead of the proper modem/router for stable wireless access which resulted in frequent disconnections. scouted the entire level 4 and 5 of sim lim before getting the zyxel p320w becos it seems like the only one with 5 dbi among its other competitors which were mostly 2 dbi. i wouldnt want to be waiting for my videos to load in my room given the blockage and distance from my study room to bedroom.

and then mr nguyen was very very persistent in wanting the wireless keyboard n mouse so that i can surf use them in the bedroom as well. budden i wouldnt want to connect a bunch of stuffs together only just to surf internet in my room ?!?! and then he realised it was freaking cheap (to him) so he bought it anyway.

so yay! i've got stable wireless, a wireless keyboard and mouse, audio wires, and a nice lcd! im all ready to start my weekend drama-thon!

an excited me with my wireless keyboard n mouse!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

me, myself and emails.

1.5 weeks into randy's leave, and im struggling to survive without his help. becos of mfa's staff directory update process, i have been in contact with boss as he is the one developing this update process. its not that the work is hard, but i absolutely cannot figure out his emails. his instructions are not only very short, it also is very very vague, leaving nothing but a mind full of question marks. and then i have to resort to asking randy who is on leave who supposingly shouldnt have to bother about work.

its not that i dun wish to decipher his emails, but it takes a long time for me to actually realise what needs to be done. as it is, i still have cce and cits nitty gritty stuffs to handle before plunging myself totally into mda.

anyway, on a happier note, i have successfully deciphered part 1 of his email. on a not-so-happy note, i am still stuck in decrypting part 2 of his email.

good luck to myself, as i foresee much more of decrypting to be done for as long as mda goes on.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

my princess in a kindergarden

when i showed these pictures to my aunt last nite, she asked 'huh, you brought her to the kindergarden? which kindergarden?' whilst my other aunt could figure out it was taken downstairs instead of some kindergarden.

and she is currently sleeping under my table while i wfh!

Monday, August 11, 2008


came back from office after lunch today since i didnt have much to do (SHHHH!) becoz MFA is pending for the SD where my job is only to provide the documentation, CCE is kinda stuck whilst CITS is pending for the SOW's sign off.

played wii boxing for about 30 mins before my arms couldnt take it given the strength i hit the opponents. it was good tat i vent my frustrations thru boxing (even though it was just wii) becoz jingle bell would be in the MDA project as well. which means im under patric, and him.


question. has my boss gone stupid?
answer. i guess so given the fact that he knows what's happening and he's re-writing history.

anyways, im hoping MDA wont start anytime soon, maybe year end or next year... and then if its really un-tolerable in MDA, get my bonus (if there's even any) and say byebye! its just nice tt it would be a year in bps next march. its not that i dislike my work, its just that half the pple in bps is not normal. there are those who like to question us (aka the newbies) our whereabouts if we were not in the office and his/her favourite quote is 'just buy time for projects' when they are happily cosily watchin dramas, and then there are those who like to laugh it off when we get serious with them, and then we get funny emails, perhaps trying to encourage the use of emails in toilets becoz, erm maybe there's a typhoon out there?

seriously! tell me, how to stay long in such a company?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

busy week

the 2 girls stayed over at my place on friday nite, and we played wii till like 3am before gg to bed at 4+ becoz joy was happily criticising on the pple from different countries in olympics's opening ceremony.

been out every single day the past week and im already feeling the 'oldness' in me. went to junction 8 with raymond n randy on monday nite after work, class on tues, dinner with shorties on wed, siew lin's grandma's wake on thurs, dinner n stayover with mabel n joy on fri, kbox on sat sponsored by my dear aunt, jb on sunday. and then mum borrowed wii from her office. im seriously in need of my sleep.
the 2 brothers

randy look so serious!

Friday, August 8, 2008


me n lok were supposed to watch red cliff on wed nite coz it was one of the last shows before closing but it had only the front rows left by the time we booked it. and then we had an impromptu dinner at fish n co that surprisingly alicia n siew lin could make it! and then siew lin told us her grandma passed away earlier in the day.. and den lok told us of her mum as well. alicia cried on the spot! i just went into a shock state becoz i totally didnt know of lok's mum despite the fact we were rather close all the while.. anyways, we had the usual dosage of crap n jokes throughout the dinner although service at suntec's fish n co sucked alot.

went to sin ming drive for siew lin's grandma wake on thurs, thanks to alicia who drove there and becoz the carpark is so so congested with cars parking everywhere, and being the kan chiong spider, she went to check on her car making sure she wasnt blocking anyone now n then. the wake was pretty......different coz her family members were busy taking pictures?! i would have expected a crying scene or a rather sad one, but instead taking pictures!

candid shot by lok! alicia looks as if she's gg to box me

siew lin happily playing cookin mama

siew lin n lok hang!

alicia n me! i look fat!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

a random one

ndp rehearsal from my place

so so so red after a run

lazing on a sunday

and happily takin pics!

he pouts and he looks as if he's sitting comfortably

and i spoilt his ... wooden formation?

and sits on dustbins!?

picture of the month.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

the red birthday

went to ndp rehearsal on sat with joy! it was super hot, humid, squeezy and rather unorganised to a certain extent. anyway, it wasn't the VVIP tix, but VIP. we were directed to a different path without much queue, and our fun packs were at our seats! the thing was, while directed to the different path from others, we didnt know that the fun packs were already at our seats, so we took it just like others did. halfway gg up to our seats, joy realised we were the only 2 fools lugging the fun packs! by the time we finally sat down, i sweated as much as i did in the gym before gg for ndp. it was just that that hot. when we finally settled down, we were busy finding the 'shiny fan' tt adrian pang said to take out to form a formation. we had 4 fun packs, but we couldnt find that shiny thingy which was actually below our seats -_- it wasnt as comfy as it was in stadium coz there wasn't much leg space, and what more we had extra fun packs taking up the space. anyways! despite the sweat, squeeze, queues, we still enjoyed the ndp and the fireworks..

temporary tatoos on our face, not pimples lah

the big blow-up hand that actually has a light that lits up only when we move it!

ndp 08 formation by the army pple

heart shape by black knights!

ndp 08 plays with fountains too

the S shape fireworks

national anthem?

the end of the parade

my pretty princess