Saturday, April 28, 2012


So so so seriously bored of my life. I suddenly have the urge to go to a ballet school overseas and learn ballet well for 1 year.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Not a good day at work and I didn't have a good time at ballet either with everyone knowing the steps well except me and another girl :(((

Days like these, I just wanna have a hot milo and hide in bed (not necessary for a hug from the bf cos I know he won't be around for me during such times)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Have the urge to learn something out of the world but it's on a Sunday 12pm -_- why would anyone have classes during lunch time?
Been terribly busy at work preparing for the MTC launch today. Past 2 weeks of work just for 1 hour of demo. Was happily planted as a calefare during the demo but ah nobody came to visit me and the tables that could be moved up and down for people with back problems :(

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The bf bought me a iPad!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

So the bf has agreed to contribute to my 'waste my time' fund.

Mum suggested learning cooking and baking -- wanted to take a diploma in baking but no part time courses leh. I don't see the need for cooking classes cos I can cook simple dishes n I don't need to cook in future also? What else can I learn?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

I was just thisssssssss close to owning an iPad!

But I agree la, 658 on something to surf net n play game not worth leh

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I still remember the bf sending me a picture of a 747 telling me 'she's beautiful, isn't she?' over msn one day while I was at work in mda. My instant reaction was what the hell. This idiot here just said this plane was beautiful instead of me???

It may be bye-byes for the passenger planes but booo hooooo the bf is still seeing his darling beautiful 747 each time he works!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So actually the bf is a mini money printer after all. Yay to the end of the endless worries over buying a house! next time I not happy at work I can tell my boss to go downstairs fly kite!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I knowwwwwwwww it's like my 97432478963159th iPhone cover but these 2 are my favorites n I love them even more then I love the bf! Promise it's the last covers! Not buying anymore!