Friday, April 30, 2010

when i told my girls the sms conversation between me n my mum, they said my mum is so damm cool. ha.

me: went back to get my white dress but its sold out!! sadness. my world just collapsed on me. *3 crying faces*
her: well, u're not meant to have that dress. and u just saved $$ !
me: but not having it is causing me unnecessary emotional distress. i wont be able to sleep tonight cos i'll miss the dress :(
her: if that's the case, why didnt u buy it in the first place? no point regretting it now. move on baby.

hahahahahahha. which mum in the world asks her daughter to "move on baby" just because of a dress?!?!

my mum, sometimes i loveeeeeeeeeeeee her like hell, sometimes i hateeeeeeee her. she said to give her lesser every month so that i can save extra. so nice can! i give her alot more den my other frens does cos she spent alot on my uni, i cant say anything about that. but now she offers to reduce her monthly $$ so that i can save it up! perhaps i caught her in the right mood =)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

a day at the world's smallest universal studios

on the way!

splashing water is only a form of cheap entertainment.
"flying" across doesnt make the show anymore entertaining.
the real skeleton used in the filming of jurassic park. and this is the que for lunch.
the only impressive part of uni studios.
very very majestic.
this is how small uni studios is.

the land of far far away. which is really just shrek's world.
overall, i wasnt impressed by singapore's universal studios. it is really nothing compared to tokyo's and florida's. having visited the other 2, im sorry i was complaining throughout how pathetic sg's version is. having to que for rides under the hot sun isnt something i would fancy paying for either. having to visit a un-complete uni studios with rides that says "COMING SOON" isnt something i am very happy about either. we went in free cos his sister pre-bought tickets and didnt wan to go. it came with $25 RWS voucher too, so we had a free lunch and a shirt.

side tracking, i have friends who commented that my current bf isnt someone they would think i would be with. yes, i do agree. he isnt someone who meets my bf requirements, and probably my mum's. he may not be a very handsome nor charming nor tall nor golden brown tanned nor romantic nor sweet nor rich. but i still love him so. i know he tries his very best to be a good bf. and although i know would really be seeing him only for half a month, half a year, half a lifetime, because of his frequent flying, i am really trying to adapt to such a lifestyle.

until the day when i really cant accept his flying, i shall love him so.

love you.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

my appt with the gynae didnt concluded anything substantial. the answer i needed most was only a "should be able to give birth next time" -_-

and she is freaking expensive can?! i still have to go down for another scan which 300 bucks would be transferred from my pocket to hers. freaking hell. why are doctors so expensive!? GPs should charge only $10 for consultation and specialists $20!

and. bf is flying off for 2 weeks. goodness. i hope i wont forget how he looks like. ha. nanjing, anchorage, los angeles, dallas, chicago, uae. i hope he buys my forever 21 and dermalogica stuffs!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

pretty pretty please?

im a very timid person. i literally jump in my seat when it comes to action scenes in the movies; i jump when sharon calls me JOANNE suddenly; i even jump when ah hao just suddenly EH me when going up the stairs.

i woudnt jump at seeing the doctor, but i cannot deny the fact that im scared when it comes to the gynae.

please dont tell me i cant give birth ok.

Monday, April 19, 2010

i need a new phone! i love my current one, but the theme and wallpaper auto changes to the default one. perhaps its sick of having me on the wallpaper.

i wouldnt mind a touchscreen but.
it has to come with physical or qwerty keypad.
it cannot be too big cos i dont like a bigg thingy in my pocket.
it cannot be too ex, if not i would have gotten an iphone n finished playing the games.
it cannot be too unresponsive, else i'd really throw it against the wall.

im so tempted to get nokia 6700 which isnt a touchscreen. but that sounds dumb.

i know im very mafan.


after spending the entire afternoon (by entire, it meant from 2ish - 7pm!) switching between the 2 dvds, when it was almostttt done, i got this crap. like wtf?!?! i've gone thru more den 30 cyclic redundancy check errors during this installation and it fails me right at the last critical moment. omg can. clicked retry 5 times and finally cancel. and it disappeared in 10 seconds. thanks ah. i so feel like breaking this dvd into 2.

the substitute for the bf didnt go through after all. ha. thank god i still have my sims 2.

bf! u noe wad to buy me! maybe its cheaper in america?

and! he's only coming back on thurs =( but! we get to go universal studios! yay! tat's like the only happening event in my life these recent months?! im so sick of the malls. and mushrooms! i swear my fridge has at least 10 packs of mushrooms the recent weekends can?!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

why does his flying make my pillow wet?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

teriyaki spag with chicken for lunch, hdb hub's rojak for tea break and tom yum soup for dinner!

and i figured the answer to QQ prawns.
woke up at 5 cos the bf's flight was delayed by 24 hours and checked if aunt's flight was delayed. just when i had planned my saturday cooking lunch/dinner, bringing my dog for her acupuncture and having rojak at hdb hub.

and then i dreamt of rick. ha. why not the current bf or mr nguyen but rick. i was at ncs seminar where i saw alot of friends, including averil?! was sitting next to scott n den rick's relatives suddenly waved to me and next thing was i was outside his house, which was somewhere opposite parkway. i thought i stepped into some hotel suite can! soooooo luxuriously themed and i suddenly saw him. ha. with abit of moustache i think. he just looked different. and he just some robe or towel. he was angry when he saw me (why?!) but after abit of coaxing we were holding hands?! so weird.

and the next thing i was thinking of was how to break the news to my current bf.

and the bloody phone rang. dammit.

so random. so weird. hor?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

randomly random's cravings.

yesterday it was lor mai kai. got it opposite at market street but it wasn't wad i was expecting. disappointed me.

today it's curry. the big pot of home cooked kind where i could dip my toasted baguette bread in.

i would be a happy girl if i can have my big pot of home cooked curry, mr avocado's avocado shake, hdb hub's rojak and a nice lor mai kai.

ah. and chilling at some alfresco cafe talking rubbish and watching the world go by.


Friday, April 9, 2010

when the riots are over, when the air tix are cheap, when the hotels are cheap,

i shall go to bkk again!!

and i doooont wan to stay in baiyoke sky again if possible.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

the agreement?

reading the letter of agreement my stupid p came up with months ago made me teared.

and he's back tonite! i shall have a bf for a week before im bf-less again.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

just as i wasnt feeling too well, the bf had to fly. for 2 days. but it feels like 4.

few minutes into his flight, i have a headache and im starting to sneeze.

on top of this, he wont be around for the next 3 weekends. it makes me miss perth and someone even more =(

whyyyyyyy am i always in long distance relationships?? why?

yes, i chose him out of the guys i met from the events and whatnots, but im beginning to regret my decision. why did i even choose someone who is always flying around cos of work?! why couldnt i have chosen the teacher? or the army guy? or mr 25th floor? or any other guy who doesnt fly this often!


on a slightly more happy note, mr 25th floor left a bottle of lin yang water when i was lunching.. so sweet.

oh! and mr a is angry with me again. i didnt noe he couldnt take jokes. oh wells. i seriously think he should go for anger management courses cos who the hell flares up one moment and den offers me food and opens the door for me?!

Monday, April 5, 2010

a seafood dinner at jumbo's left me with a sore throat n runny nose.


didnt do much the entire long weekend!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

yes, my mei is going through acupuncture! ha. 85 bucks per session, twice a week for 4 months. her chinese medicine alone costs 190 ? i definitely wont be having bird nest the next few months.