Saturday, January 30, 2010

im super moody today.

i didnt feel like going out, but i got dragged out to.
i didnt feel like squeezing with the crowd, but i had to.

the day sucked.

and i feel like shit.

i miss the 3.50 ice milk tea with rainbow jelly.
i miss the chilli pepper chicken.
i miss the crossiant with sausage and mushrooms breakfast.
i miss mario kart on computer.

sometimes, i would rather not know the truth.

and i feel like laksa tmr. alone.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

im so tired.

some days i really feel like taking an mc just to sleep.

and i really really really dont understand how women can wake up so early to make up, dress up, have breakkie, go to work in super high heels and still get to work by 830am ?!

do they have some super magic powers that does their makeup instantly?
do they have some super feet that doesnt feel any pain nor uncomfort in the super high heels?

one of my users actually looked at me top to toe while waiting for the lift -_- it isn't easy for me to wake up and rush down for a 9am breakfast meeting, let alone dressing up. i know i look like some kid or intern amongst all the staffs here, but. stop looking at me! can?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

way back into love

I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past
I just can't seem to move on

I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!

All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again,
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

almost dynamically crazy.

as much as i want to get out on a holiday again, i cant.

i cant always be going on holidays to temporarily forget myself.

i've been so much more busy at abn with the launch of dynamics, overwhelmed with users/bugs/changes/troubleshooting since monday that i think i'll go crazyyy soon. thankfully abn staffs are a nice and patient bunch of people. but. dynamics is reallllllly unstable. it hangs, it freezes, it doesnt load, it gives the server error and whatnots. i dont understand why some people dont bother escalating this to abn's IT team when these minor glitches does affect us and the users. and the hangings adds on to my frustrations.

im tired of gossipping about some people already. the many little things some people do here and there. and i wish to say, i dont leave work at 6pm sharp ok?

less than 2 months to march 15! 3 special occasions happen to fall on march the fifteen..

Monday, January 18, 2010

旧的不去, 新的不来

how apt.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

bits and pieces.

the prata man is still here...except he moved to another corner instead of just downstairs.

the mango salad at chatchuchak still tastes the same...

the chocolate donuts are still as nice as it was..

and the food courts are still the same...

seeing piglet makes me wanna buy every pooh eeyore piglet i see.

bangkok felt as if i was there just yesterday. even the airport at 7am felt so familiar. i didnt go to paragon and discovery centre this time.. i'd also prefer keeping paragon the way it is in my memories instead of overwriting them with new ones.

i dont deny i missed that trip a terrible lot. in fact, i see a lot of flashbacks in my mind everywhere i go. the food courts, the coconut drinks, the tshirts, the visit to patpong, the rooftop bar at 83rd floor and the shop at chatchuchak that sold the pouch.

xin lỗi, em nhớ anh nhiều.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

back! was already official bankrupt for this month before the trip, and even more so after. thank god i got my claims back yday! and happily bought another 2 skirts today at bysi! more clothes for the new year!!

new year. new hair. new clothes.

new job?

new bf?

Friday, January 8, 2010

finally done with the main chapters for the freaking damm user guide.

off to a place full of memories soon! and to create new memories =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

on mc!

yes, i admit i do plan my mc(s). but not this time! my giddyness is back again, only to realise i had it back during the same period last year. and its time for a medical check up.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

my to do list is always growing, such that i really dont know what to do. i just feel like packing up and leave.

can someone teach me how to finish 3 user guides in 1 day, set up few hundred email notifications, edit 2 troublesome reports, test the entire system and set all the fields in crm to read only by this week?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

two zero one zero.

i dont have any resolutions neither do i wan to have any.

but. i do hope to untie this knot i have soon.

Friday, January 1, 2010

the first day.

went to mabel's place for dinner earlier on, and she told me about wad my mum and her mum were gossipping about me. goodness. they assumed the guy in my fb pics is my new bf! crazy. and they said he doesnt look like a good boy. ha. and that even though mr nguyen isnt mature enough, but at least he is a good boy. funny how they have 101 comments before, during and after the relationship.

new year's fireworks.

i got reminded of him again. the cab ride down to esplanade, the walk and the squeeze at marina. the fireworks.

whilst everyone else was making merry during the fireworks, i cried. cos of you. cos of memories.

i hope u get a proper job soon, i hope u are happy and healthy.

i really shouldnt be thinking of you so often.